Pilot project – AI content-builder-template-base-original.

Create high-quality content

More range

More customers

Your AI content builder: Automatically generate more reach.

The saying “content is king” still applies. Reach the right people and achieve top results.

Take part in the free pilot project and secure one of three free places.

Discover the advantages

in the use of artificial intelligence

Automated creation of top content

Understand what interests your target group

Analyze your visitors and use the collected data


Our current pilot project no. 1

Our current pilot project no. 2


Our current pilot project no. 3

Building blocks for success

What is your target group interested in?

How do you attract the right customers?

Which product would you like to sell?

How do you activate your customers to act?

In which niche is there little competition?

Which key analysis figures are most important to you?

The 3 key success factors:


Develop marketing tools according to your wishes.

Our aim is to offer the best and most useful marketing tools in the long term. Now is your chance to become part of a pilot project where you can help shape the solutions. There are currently 3 places available.

Do you still have questions?

What are you waiting for?

Benefit from the results of our survey and tell
tell us where your challenges lie.

0151 - 61323262


Monday - Friday

08.00 - 17.00

Education campus 1

74076 Heilbronn